Sunday 15 August 2021

Up and running again.

The settling-in after the house move earlier this week has now finished and radio is beginning to make a comeback.

I haven't planned to play radio from home, as I expected high noise levels.  In fact, they are quite low.  HF will certainly be possible, and 2m digital will also make a comeback here.

For the moment, whilst I attend to the truly monumental task of sorting through the past 13 years' worth of accumulated junk, I will be taking occasional moments to operate /P from the car, parked up at some beach or other locally.

MM0VIK, often /MM, with whom I had a lovely QSO recently.


Had I not changed my mode of operating recently, I probably would never have turned to 14Hz SSB voice the other evening, and had a nice long QSO with Euan, MM0VIK, who WSPR followers will know very well from his past year out from normal family and working life, as he went sailing the Atlantic.  Now safely anchored off his Shetland home, Euan told me of his latest antenna for the boat - a 40m delta loop.  No doubt he will do very well indeed with that, especially at sea!

So, stay tuned whilst I get internet connected in a house that was occupied by an elderly woman who never knew what the internet was.  Then I can reformat and re-image some Raspberry Pi SD cards for the /P operations, some of which have corrupted recently.  That will be a lot nicer than last evening's operation to unblock a drain whilst it rained heavily!

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