Tuesday 23 February 2021

Wind (mostly) stops play.

Mercifully this year, the winter hasn't seen many strong winds.  All the bad storms have been directed further south than a typical year.

But today's a little bit wild, if not quite as bad as the infamous Storm Doris (see video at bottom of post).  Only a bit above 60mph(100km/h) today, compared to 85mph (136km/h) for Doris.

Days I hate...

Only the 15 and 17m deltas operational today (bands unusually dead), and a 20m fishing pole vertical, which stays up permanently, regardless of wind conditions (a useful tip there, for those considering antennas in windy areas of the world!)  12m Yagi and 20m delta are down.  I guess some greasing and servicing of the Yagi might be in order later in the week; some of the bolts look a bit rusty...

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