Tuesday 10 December 2019

WSPRnet limits

I can never understand the man who runs the WSPRnet site.  The pages are slow and often fail for days or weeks on end.

Now, the new database search has been limited to a maximum 500 spots.  This is useless for propagation research, because a day's operating will typically see a lot more than 500 - and often much more than the old limit of 999.

UPDATE: Following the appearance of this post, the owner of WSPRnet has reversed the 500 spot limit back to 1000 spots (1 more than the earlier 999 limit!)

Why doesn't the WSPRnet owner either give it to someone else to improve, or else start charging a modest amount per year to fund its development?  It's a total and long-running mystery that isn't helping anyone.

In the meantime, you can still merrily go to the old database, where the limit isn't 500, or 1000, but 10,000 spots.  Go figure!

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