Thursday 17 October 2019

Seeing double!

Conditions on 15m and 12m are quite good at the moment.  It's slightly windy today, so I turned my antenna into the southerly wind, and listened to what was going on in that direction.

5T5PA was busy at it again, with a very strong signal.

5T5PA, split in two...

But, I wonder if you have any explanation, dear reader, for the double signal, which continued for as long as I was listening - about 10 minutes?  It doesn't look like a propagation effect, as both signals are identical in characteristic.  I'm assuming it's some kind of software issue at the transmitting end, but not one I've ever seen before. [UPDATE: see comments, below, for the explanation]

Looking at general reception reports, I was amazed to see EA8BFK reporting me at +24dB!  That's probably the strongest report I've ever seen.

Incredible signal to the south!


PE4BAS, Bas said...

It clearly is 5T5PA using MSHV multi transmission. 73, Bas

Photon said...

What does that achieve?

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Multiple QSO's at the same time. See:

73, Bas

Photon said...

Great! Fewer people can take up more of the band...