Monday 28 October 2019

A humour break...

I quite liked this blogpost, currently doing the rounds on the web:

Sadly, I can't seem to enter my own laws, despite the invitation to do so.

Here are a few that occur to me:

(1) If you buy 'milspec' products, the seller will rarely actually have an official 'milspec' for that product.  When you buy it, it will disappoint.

(2) The wind will always destroy your antennas eventually.

(3) Your new rig will always have something that was better in your old rig.

(4) A soldering iron is no good in the field.  You need a full-scale butane/propane blow torch.

(5) Motor vehicle spade connectors are the most useful thing you can possibly own.

(6) Anything other than stainless steel is no good for physical antenna erection.

(7) As soon as you put the finishing touches to your ham station, a neighbour will install solar PV.

(8) Always having a mind to operating /P and/or /M will lead to less anger and tears when (7) inevitably happens.

(9) As soon as you put up an antenna, your neighbour will complain to the council.

(10) When out /P, people will ask you why you're fishing in a field of grass.

Any others?

1 comment:

Darren said...

Ah yes, no. (10). I have had that happen.
508 M ASL on Slieve an Orra I had just got my station set up when a guy appeared and said "Ye won't catch many fish up here". I had been so busy with radio I hadn't noticed him walk up the other side of the hill.