Wednesday 30 September 2020

Not a lot happening...

Well, the propagation has been a little difficult the past few days.  Despite plenty of 14MHz WSPR monitoring, there haven't been any geomagnetic anomalies of any note, except for a series of spots early this morning from France.

Even though, at around 03UT, the dawn is approaching, astronomical twilight - and so the start of the greyline period - is still a good hour away.  

The OVATION auroral oval did predict weak, incoherent patches of auroral activity as far south as France overnight, and I think that, given I heard only two stations (apart from local groundwaves), both French, the spots must be considered anomalous and geomagnetically-related.  The field at the time was well into a period of relaxation after significant disturbances in the preceding couple of days.

14MHz WSPR reception.  F1JSC = 5W, F6EGX = 0.2W.  Long horizontal line is period of non-reception.

Otherwise, the only radio activity has been up in the air during periods of nice and unusually calm weather!

Radio stack and navigation instruments (not in use, as the red 'flags' indicate) in a PA-28-161.  One reason 144MHz has escaped French ideas of aviation expansion into that band was that channel spacing changed from 25kHz to 8.33kHz (AM) fairly recently.

Getting ready for an engine failure practice.

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