Monday 21 September 2020

Geomagnetic pathways

Over the past couple of weeks, during what has often been quiet geomagnetic conditions, the 5W, 14MHz WSPR signal from world-class VK3QN (beaming long path Europe) has been lost quite consistently between 22:50 and 23:10UT.

Last night, even though the magnetic field was only slightly disturbed (maximum Kp= 2), this was enough to make a very big difference to the received signal from VK3QN, which continued almost through the equinoctal night. 

VK3QN 14MHz WSPR received by MW1CFN, 2020 September 20-21.


On an entirely different subject, yesterday was also a reasonably good one for tropo propagation at 144MHz, where FT8 has really brought that band back into a large volume of activity - a good thing for a band that was, very recently, under threat:

My ~120W (into 8-ele) 144MHz FT8 signal across Europe yesterday morning.

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