Wednesday 15 July 2020

Highly unusual

Z81B.  Do you know where that is?  Well, I certainly didn't when it appeared on 12m, yesterday tea time!

Even when I looked it up in the RSGB prefix book, there was no apparent mention of it.

Eventually, having found it was from nowhere less remarkable than South Sudan, I knew which direction to point the 3-ele LFA.

About time we saw more activity from Africa. 

Nice good signals both ways, and a new, rare country for the logbook.  South Sudan is, of course, a war-ravaged country, and it's a real surprise to see any amateur radio activity from there.  Small steps are, however, being made to bring peace to the country.

Train in South Sudan.  Image: Bertramz/Wikimedia


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Diya is quite active on the bands. Have worked him on 60m and already saw him on 6m. 73, Bas

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Diya is quite active on the bands. Have worked him on 60m and saw him on 6m. 73, Bas