Thursday, 20 June 2019

28MHz - all night long.

Conditions on the upper HF bands, and into the VHF ones, too, are proving very strong and interesting as we move through midsummer.

Hearing plenty of FT8 signals at 28MHz last evening, and lots of DX action on that band and 50MHz earlier on, I decided to keep WSPR running at 28MHz overnight.  My 5W was picked up, if weakly, by FY5KE, itself very pleasing, but I was too late to catch any further DX. 

Interestingly, signals from first-skip distance, though not very numerous, kept coming in (and being received from me) all night long.

In fact, FY5KE seemed to hear my 10m signal in much the same fashion, but much stronger, as he did a couple of weeks ago at 20m, i.e. a peak around 22:00UT:

 Meanwhile, back on 10m, EA1FBU was received here, peaking also at about 22UT, then intermittently being heard into the early morning:

IU1DZZ also reached a peak in the very late evening, about an hour later than EA1FBU:
IU1DZZ heard at MW1CFN, 28MHz, 5W WSPR.
In the reverse direction, I was also reaching a peak signal strength with much the same pattern, in this example, as received at 10m by OE9HLH:

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