Ham radio on the cheap, encouraging newcomers to the hobby, and a bit of science.
Friday, 21 June 2019
Russian Dominoes result
Well, I managed to get some kind of ranking in the recent Russian Digital Radio Club's Domino mode contest!
Hardly a big competitor, I had the idea that it was best to try to get a handful of QSOs in as many bands as possible. But it seems I should have continued gathering calls on the easier bands to move up the table.
A 'Double 4' was gathered according to the rule: '4 x 4 = 16 QSO - the subgroup of participants who worked at least 4 QSO in DOMINO on each of any 4 bands.'
Not that I really care. The interest was in doing something different, and I did enjoy the departure from the mindless FT8.
Apparently, there were 112 entrants, but I heard only a handful, and many contacts on different bands were with the same operators. Propagation also was not very good at all.
Still, a nice new certificate for the collection. Respect certainly due to the RDRC for their incredible efficiency in administering the whole event.
Congrats John, I managed a double 2. At least I got the certificate to remember ;-). I was a pleasure to work you on domino, a highlight in the whole event :-). 73, Bas