Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Well, I was impressed...

Hardly a massive achievement for most, but I managed my first ever transatlantic 6m QSO this evening.
That old magic of something new...

Armed with just 50W from a 2-ele quad, but a good aspect out over the Atlantic, I managed to complete a QSO in a big FT8 pile up with HI3T - Ted Jimenez - in the Dominican Republic.  If the path was very low, the ERP was about 630W.  At somewhat higher elevations, more like 315W ERP.

6700km - very happy!
I thought it might be a good night, as I briefly heard an Eastern European commercial FM station on 94.70MHz in the car at 17:50UT, and switched on the rig straight away when I got home.

Old, cheap, and slightly rickety, but it worked!

Terrain analysis under HFTA (ARRL).  Up to +11dB gain at just 3 degrees.

Certainly, I need to keep the quad aimed across the pond more often from now on.  Maybe time for a new support and rotator?  But then, I'm still thinking about 2m SSB.  So much to do.  So little time.  Even less money...

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