Earlier in the week, I sent a letter to the RSGB to express my views (but not as a formal complaint) that £60,000 was a very generous remuneration package for one person working in a hobby society. Of course, all we know about the actual payment is that it is
in excess of £60,000.
Members of the society may be interested to read the response issued a couple of days later. Whilst I had already accepted that there is no doubt a lot of work to do, I am not remotely persuaded by the bleating that this "person" is at his desk at 7am, and doesn't leave until 5pm. At at least 2.3 times the average national UK wage, and probably significantly higher than that, you'd kind of expect someone to be working at least those hours.
No car as part of the upper crust's salary. That's alright then! |
I think I have to be concerned that the Board Chairman compares the existing position holder's benefits with those enjoyed by the previous incumbent. If one is to assume that the person receiving this salary is the General Manager, then of course, the past incumbent (and not the present one) was involved in activities that led to
legal action to recover monies owed to the Society. That he had a car on top of the lovely salary was perhaps just an extension of that taking the membership and the society for fools. It certainly isn't the wisest comparison to make!
Here is the response. I had considered not publishing the name of the correspondent, but his position is given within the text, it hasn't been marked private, and the society is accountable to its members. So there is no real moral or legal reason why it should not be public:
"Your e-mail has been passed to me as RSGB Board Chairman.
note your concern about the payment but would point out that in 2010
the highest salary paid to a Society employee was greater than £59,000
plus a fully funded car. The person currently receiving a salary of
greater than £60,000 does not have a car provided by the Society.
in mind that there have been Board changes over the last five years, I
believe that the current salary is commensurate with those offered to
people with similar responsibilities in similar roles elsewhere and the
various Board members over the five years have noted this in reviewing
the salaries.
I would also point out is that the person who receives the salary is in
the office at 7am and leaves at 5pm during the week, participates in
calls/meetings in the evening on a number of days per week to coincide
with the wider RSGB volunteer community, many of whom still work, and
also works on Saturdays and/or Sundays for many weekends per year. The
person concerned has also proposed and implemented cost saving measures
as the Board is fully aware that we need to be as cost efficient as
possible in the current climate.
I would remind you that neither I, as Chairman, nor any other Board
Member (who are all directors of the company) receives any salary.
Thanks you again for raising this matter.
Graham Murchie G4FSG"
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