Saturday 19 October 2013

Things To Do On KQ2H Repeater.

Picture the scene.  KQ2H repeater opens up on 10m.

It's busy.  Very busy.  People are calling in from Latin America, North America, Europe and the Caribbean.

Then, the inevitable happens. Some Brit ops come on to pontificate how others have been calling too much.  Being such experienced folk, they had earlier decided to "let them to it" and not bother with the repeater.

That 2 minute-long exchange took place whilst the repeater was in the aforementioned condition, groaning under the pressure of dozens of people hitting it at the same time.

So, thanks to 2E0UDX and one of his pals who let the world know - and at such length - how terribly fed up they were of people tying-up repeaters. 

On the other hand, congratulations to just about everyone else this afternoon, who kept it short and sweet.

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