Wednesday 21 July 2021

Run the press!

Delighted that Practical Wireless magazine is shortly to run a fairly lengthy article based on work I've done, and often reported here, using WSPR.

Despite its univeral usefulness to operators, WSPR is often treated with contempt.  It seems a lot of people would prefer to go back to operators guessing where their uncalibrated signal strength meter reaches after having had six shots of rum.  All a bit odd!


Obviously, you will have to buy the magazine for the full text! 

So, the forthcoming article will cover such lovely past findings as two 14MHz US stations, just 13km apart, reaching me - but nobody else at all in the dark hemisphere - one winter night.

Compared to the 'competition', Practical Wireless is a much more hands-on publication, and doesn't suffer from the stuffy, England-centric, 'London Wireless Club' mentality often seen.

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