Thursday 25 March 2021

GB4FTS begins - under tough conditions!

Well, my two weeks of operating centenary station, GB4FTS got going this morning.  GB1004FTS is generally too long for digital, but may make cameo appearances, as it is also approved for use.


But the propagation!  Absolutely dreadful!  20m a real struggle until about 09UT, when things started to warm up a bit.  So far, except for some WSPR transmissions that got out to VK and ZL, I've only got as far as Asiatic Russia on FT8/FT4.

If you're out there, looking for a SES for the log, then please do give me a call.  General trend will be 20-12m during the day, down at 30-60m during the greyline and early morning/evening period.  WSPR transmissions at 20m or 30m overnight.

1 comment:

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Will be looking for you John. Good luck, 73, Bas