Tuesday 3 November 2020

Lab599 suffer delivery delays

The ongoing, already delayed story of the Lab599 TX-500 transceiver from Russia seems to be hitting the buffers at the moment (accessed 09:00UT, 03/11/2020):

We have to accept that running even the best business these days is tough going, and so Lab599 can hardly be criticised for the world's current problems.  

The question for Lab599 at the moment is whether Icom's simultaneous launch of the IC-705 will effectively destroy the TX-500's chances of gaining a market foothold.  

Of course, the TX-500 is a very different beast to the IC-705, and that fact already filters out the 'boys who want every bell and whistle' from those who just want a simple, tough, capable HF-only rig.  So I think that, if all goes well next year, the TX-500 could still gather a very strong following amongst the ham community.

Still very few meaningful video updates about the TX-500's technical performance in the real world, other than what appears to be a Lab599-produced, side-by-side comparison of, well, only receive audio, to be honest, between the TX-500 and the KX-3.  Whilst the TX-500 is good, the KX-3 certainly sounds a lot better to my ears on both SSB and CW.  That, and the fact that the KX3, unlike the TX-500, is readily available in most countries.


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