This month, the RSGB's monthly magazine,
RadCom (cover price £4.95, not available in any shop), publishes an interesting 'infographic' on page 39:
Gee-whizz facts and figures, as the RSGB has it. |
Of course, we all have an interest in societies like the RSGB being successful, and I wish it was. But whilst we are bamboozled by large numbers and some snazzy graphics, the RSGB is failing miserably in some areas which are fundamental to the hobby. Notable amongst these are planning restrictions and RFI - both areas which severely constrain our ability to enjoy the hobby at all.
So, here is my personal, alternative take on the RSGB's past year. You can decide for yourself whether it's more important to be able to put up an antenna and actually hear anything other than RF hash, or have 1.5 million website hits:
And, as though to underscore the uselessness of the society, the RSGB publishes (p.13) a report on how many investigations and enforcement actions OFCOM, the UK regulator, has taken recently.
But, rather than being passed this information as a matter of the routine and supposedly 'very good relations' between it and OFCOM, the RSGB had to rely on a Freedom of Information Act request instead!
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