Thursday, 14 March 2019

WSPR from ZL, and the Brexit herd.

40m has always been a band occupied, so far as I can see, by those of a disposition to have ragchews.

In the UK, those ragchews tend to be amongst people who don't much like foreigners, and to whom talking to a man in the neighbouring city by NVIS reinforces a sense of Britishness (as they perceive it).
A typical British 40m operator, 2019.

Of course, and tragically, it was legions of people of this age and mentality that led us into the Brexit debacle that is currently reaching dizzying heights of absurdity.

So maybe such people tend not to take an interest in WSPR, because it means interfacing with the wider world?  A low-hung dipole for 40m is more than enough to warm up the Great British Ionosphere, and ensures DX from 'Johnny Foreigner' is suppressed.

Maybe, then, that's why, this morning, only two stations in the UK received ZL1TJK's 5W WSPR signal?  Seems a shame, when these old-timers could widen their horizons and enjoy all the world has to offer.

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