Saturday, 16 March 2019

Wales to Antactica - the Equinox plot

DPOGVN is really to be conratulated for running a near-unique and very useful WSPR receiver at the Neumeyer Station in Antarctica.

As it's very nearly the equinox, the terminator is now almost a straight line directly from north to south.  Accordingly, one can plot the signal changes as the terminator advances westward.

Here's how my 1W WSPR signal at 14MHz was heard on March 14th by DP0GVN:

The peak signal, amounting to a signal enhancement over the previous hour of about 10dB, came when I was located in the centre of the grey line zone.  It's interesting to note how the signal then drops to undetectability within just 15 minutes. 

1 comment:

  1. DP0GVN is indeed a very fine station to monitor propagation changes. The stations does not only receive WSPR but also FT8. On 60m DP0GVN receives me in the evening and sometimes in the morning. Very interesting. 73, Bas


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