Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Unusual spot - 9Z4FV

Nothing very unusual spotted last night, except for a 22:32UT spot of 9Z4FV, heard at a good -17dB SNR/2500Hz, albeit from 20W output.

Now, at 9Z4, the situation locally was one of the grey line passing away, as this plot shows:

Situation at 22:32UT, 18/12/2018.  Image: DX Atlas, with permission.

The distance from a signal being sent from around 320km at the easternmost (night-progressing) edge of the grey line is around 3400km, which is in close agreement with the expected distance from a single F2 hop, and puts it just within line-of-sight for my station.  In all likelihood, though my antenna, on near-perfect ground, has good gain to the horizon, the signal from 9Z probably came from slightly higher in the ionosphere.

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