Saturday, 29 December 2018

RSP1a SDR Update

I've been running the SDRPlay RSP1a for a good week or so, without interruption, on 14MHz WSPR, to assess its sensitivity and overall performance.  It's apparently a good time to run WSPR, as there are no major contests to cause interference (at least, until today, when the Canadians run a big event!)

First thing to say is that the fairly complex combination of SDR, PC, and three pieces of software all working together has performed without any crashes or similar issues.  CPU demand on my two-year old HP laptop varies between around 30 and 65%.  The laptop does run its cooling fan more often than when not running SDR software, but it is not running continuously or very frequently.

Secondly, on the negative side, but not down to the RSP1a per se, is the very occasional failure to upload spots.  This could be software demands on the CPU, some minor software conflict, or some other such issue.  Spot upload failures may well happen occasionally with a simple 'rice box' transceiver and sound card interface, too.

Certainly, if there are the odd spot upload failures, then they don't seem to adversely affect overall outcomes in the DX WSPR listening challenge.  Any system that can give more spots, if only sometimes, than EA8BFK is, without doubt, something to write home about!
Good result from the RSP1a on 27/12/18!

The results over recent, full-24 hour periods are:

December 20 = number 6
December 23 = number 6
December 24 = number 3
December 25 = number 6
December 26 = number 11
December 27 = number 1
December 28 = number 9

Median outcome = number 6

So, whilst I can't take credit for anything other than putting up an efficient antenna in a good location, the RSP1a can take a lot of credit for yielding excellent sensitivity, especially when considered against its low price.

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