Friday, 28 December 2018

Overnight WSPR report, 27-28/12/2018

The geomagnetic field was quite disturbed overnight, briefly reaching G2 (Kp=6) levels.  The aurora was predicted to be visible over central UK, but cloud prevented confirmation:

The disturbance didn't lead to any DX spots at all.  But, very many spots from France and Italy were received all night long.  The case of F1AGR is interesting, in that this station is heard almost daily at various points in the night, regardless of conditions.  PE4BAS is also hearing him in the same way.

The disturbance had a clear effect on signals heard from Italy, in that normal propagation cut-off for that region, before midnight on the preceding, quiet days, did not occur last night:

As for the continued assessment of the RSP1a SDR, things came to an abrupt end this morning, because the WSPR DX Challenge web site is not functioning properly!

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