Thursday, 9 November 2017

OFCOM - More Evidence of Not Giving a Damn

The Southgate Amateur Radio Club reports (below) on an intereting aspect of UK communications enforcement, or the lack of it.

All in all, this is just more evidence that OFCOM is merely an issuer of free licences to us, and has no real interest in amateur radio issues.

'Ofcom and Ham Radio repeater abuse

A Freedom of Information (FoI) request was used to ask Ofcom what action they take against Amateur Radio Repeater Abusers

The response revealed Ofcom has never prosecuted any repeater abusers since it was created in December 2003.

When asked how many Field Enforcement Officers they had and how the figure had changed since 2003 Ofcom said "This information is not held".

It would also appear Ofcom don't have a clue how much money they are spending on Amateur Radio.

Read Ofcom's responses to the seven questions they were asked at

In 2017 Ofcom did send two engineers from the Spectrum Management Centre in Baldock, Hertfordshire, to Londonderry in Northern Ireland to investigate a doorbell which was interfering with other Licence Exempt devices

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