Wednesday, 8 November 2017

G2 Geomagnetic Storm!

Last night saw some fairly strong geomagnetic disturbances, with a fairly prolonged period at Kp ~7.  Sadly, strong moonlight masked the visibility of any moderate auroral glows from north Wales.

Storm!  A G2 event on 07 and 08 November 2017.  Image: NOAA/SWPC.

Once again, propagation effects were enhanced due to the geomagnetic disturbance.  14MHz is now, on the approach to the depths of winter,  dying off daily in the mid-late evening. Not so last night!

Nighttime at 14MHz right now usually means no propagation.  A G2 storm changes all that!

Propagation continued to pretty good DX distances, including Argentina, Brazil and South Africa.  Interestingly, the comparison station (red) also running 1W into what I think is a doublet, failed to experience any of the enhancements overnight.  This probably indicates very low angle DX arrival/departure angles that are inaccessible due to antenna and/or environmental characteristics, and perhaps also some (negative) directionality for the dipole that is absent for my vertical delta loop.

Great DX during the period 21:30-09:30UT, thanks to the Sun's tantrum!

Now it's time to see what effect last night's activity had on the upper bands!

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