Thursday, 18 February 2016

VY0ERC - Both Ways!

Sometimes, life is too busy to stop and concentrate on a QSO.

During times like these, I often switch either to JT modes if I'm cooking, or WSPR when I really have no time at all.

Eureka weather station - very far north!

A few days ago, I was happy to receive VY0ERC, though he didn't hear me.  Based near Eureka, in the very far north of Arctic Canada, the Eureka Weather Station is a pretty inhospitable place.  Whatever they have as an antenna must be a pretty resilient design!

This grey line time, I set the radio to 20m WSPR.  Immediately, I spotted Eureka, lying just behind the sunset line in a great arc linking my location with theirs.  I was then very happy to see that Eureka had heard me - one of only two EU-based stations to be heard over the preceding hour.

Plenty hearing Eureka, but only two being heard all the way up there!  Terminator is at time of map creation, not transmissions.

It's very nice to have a 2-way report with such a remarkable and unique station so far north.  It's also great to see a simple vertical delta loop performing outstandingly well.  The elevated position, proximity to the sea and superb ground conditions does make a big difference.  But the message to those considering a delta loop, providing you have a relatively uncluttered environment, is: put one up!

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