Monday, 22 February 2016

Mind Your WSJT-X!

I love the JT weak signal modes.  They've revolutionised QRP working, and allow a family man like me to continue operating, quietly, when kids are in bed!

I try to keep my software up to date, and this has never posed any problems with Joe Taylor's excellent work.

Until, that is, I tried using WSJT-X.  Whilst the system decoded very quickly, being a big improvement over v1.3, I just couldn't get the darned rig to CAT-talk to the program, and vice versa.  The further problem was that, unlike the earlier versions, the software would go into a meltdown and start doing strange things, with bizarre numbers being returned into the QRG window.  I could only achieve software stability by going through this meltdown half way through the first TX cycle, which was irritating for all concerned.

Frustration soon set-in, and I decided to continue using the old WSJT 1.3, without CAT control as I had always done.  No big deal.

But then, I was banned from a DX cluster!  Why?  A polite e-mail from an operator asked if I knew I was spotting onto 60m, when I was clearly not working there!  This was the kick I needed to sort out the WSJT software once and for all!

After consulting another blogger's page about CAT and WSJT for the Yaesu 450, and some fiddling of my own, these are the settings that have proven to work for me tonight.  Only these settings give full CAT control, read the frequency, and give the proper power output on WSJT-X so make sure to set them all exactly as shown.

Actually, after an evening of successful operation, I've found the settings didn't yield stable working longer-term.  There seemed to be some conflict between the various control lines.  These are now the settings that seem to work just fine:

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