Monday 17 June 2013

6m Contest - Excellent Operating!

This past weekend (15/16 June 2013) saw a 6m contest.  I'm not 100% sure which it was, as I'm not a contester, but it would appear to have been the SMIRK contest.

6m.  Where good operating takes refuge.

Conditions weren't very good, at least on the 15th.  I found myself bizarrely keeping up with very well-equipped stations, even though I was operating a homebrew 2 element quad and 100W!

What was noteworthy was the excellent, actually exemplary operating conduct during this contest.  Every report and serial number properly read back and nobody accepting a partial copy.  Also absent was the usual shouting, now entrenched behaviour on other bands.

So, as well as being the Magic Band, 6m seems to be the refuge for all good operators.

Well done!

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