Monday, 20 March 2023

Ham Radio: not always a nice place

There seem to be two main kinds of people who get involved in our hobby: those who want to peacefully enjoy a technical pastime - or simply talking in a civil manner to others - and those who want to vent their dissatisfaction with life in general through using and abusing radio.

I have to be honest and say that, in the past, when the 'Laughing Policeman Wireless Society' (simply someone's user name on Facebook and Twitter) used to criticise the RSGB, I sometimes found it mildly amusing. Well, let's face it, in years gone by, if not now, the RSGB had issues that fully justified fun being poked at them.

But this morning, out of nowhere, came a post from LPWS on Facebook that really was unacceptable:

LPWS Facebook post, accessed 08:29UT, 20/03/2023.

I suppose that the author and commenter may view this as simply 'innocent banter'. But I don't think that washes. It's the kind of prejudiced nonsense that used to be pervasive in UK society back in the 1970s - no doubt reflecting the age of the author of LPWS.

This kind of thing is clearly not good for our hobby. Luckily, LPWS seems to be operating at the bottom of some big, empty pit, where hardly anybody ever sees the puerile nonsense that more usually characterises that accout. The stand-alone website, meanwhile, suggests a degree of obsessive behaviour that can only be described as alarming. 

It's up to all of us to continually present a positive, inclusive image of our hobby; there is no place for this anachronistic and hurtful nonsense, spouted by people who ought to take a long walk, often.

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