Tuesday, 19 April 2022

What did YOU do on World Amateur Radio Day?

I set-off yesterday afternoon to do a spot of 15m portable from the lakside. Though conditions turned out to be fairly poor, I had one extremely exciting and unexpected contact - with a 6 year old boy and his father!

15m from the lake on WARD.


I came across the boy, who was busy saying 'hello' from a distance, with an outstretched hand. I gave him a big thumbs up. He asked what I was doing. I told him I was sending signals to the other side of the world; would he like to see the radio?  'Oh yes!', came an excited reply. His father was nodding his thanks for being kind.

I opened the silver box. He was amazed. I showed him the simple wire we use to send the signals. 'Can you turn it up to two...million?', he stuttered. 'Sure', I said. 'I can turn it up a little bit more than that, even'. 'Waaaw', came the incredulous response.

I then got rewarded for my effort by being shown a series of toy metal cars he was carrying in his pockets. 

Maybe one day, he'll remember the meeting, and try radio for himself?  Let's hope so.

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