Saturday, 30 April 2022

This summer's 6m arrangements.

For this summer, my arrangement for 6m is this 3-ele OWL from Innovantennas.  A very good match, actually a little better than the published data, even though it was built for rear, vertical mounting and that I've got it in centre-mounted, horizontal configuration!  The telescopic aluminium mast is a homebrewed, three-section unit, which cost me about £50.

Low deployment during initial matching.

With a clear site and ground reflections, I should realise good total gain. So my QRP input of about 5W should see it rise to something closer to a few tens of Watts.  Regardless of the exact figures, it will do well when 6m propagation is running, and I will at least see whether it's worth spending money on a 100W rig for 6m next year. My expectation is that it won't be.

This is the final matching curve at full deployed height of about 5m. Adding a layer of NATO Green spray paint to better blend in with the countryside environment made no difference at all to the matching. It's below 1.2:1 for the whole SSB and FT8 portion of 6m:

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