Thursday, 3 March 2022

Who's supporting 'Len'?

Over past days, my article concerning the RSGB's loss of a young, highly-qualified Board Member seems to have upset someone.

At the moment, it's not known who the person repeatedly sending anonymous comments - none of which have anything of substance to say and all of which appear aimed solely at plain harassment, might be.  

All of the 'comments' have, and will continue to, go into 'spam' and not be published - automatically.

By Jaimengo - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Two of the three pledge support for 'Len'. Given that Len Paget's 'e-mailgate' (see para. 10) affair has been noted here many times, and that the comments made appear in response to posts critical of the RSGB, it's fair to assume that 'Len' refers to 'Len Paget' - who I do not claim is making the posts or has any involvement with or knowledge of them.

Although, this doesn't mean I'll be putting up with it. Anyone who follows this blog or knows me will know that, if you pick a fight with no good reason, you will get a robust response in return.

So, for (criminal) legal purposes, here's a warning to the person who wishes to defend the RSGB and 'Len' through pointless messages to my 'comments' section that they are indeed pointless, have no substantive content and are received as a course of conduct amounting to harassment, not precluding other possibilities.

Send another, and we'll see what we can do about it. Only a monumental idiot thinks he/she can hide behind anonymous accounts online. Revealing who was behind it would make a truly fabulous future blogpost, recalling that the truth of what is written is a complete defence against any claim of libel. I look forward to revealing that truth.

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