Wednesday, 16 March 2022

The OFCOM-RSGB Relationship

I've had an interesting response from OFCOM this week. I need not bore you with an introductory explanation, as it's all laid out in this part of the response:

This is the first time I've seen the Freedom of Information Act's provisions being trumped by the Wireless Telegraphy Act.  OFCOM do seem to have found a way to avoid being subject to FoIA when it relates to a business. 

This is another reason why RSGB's limited company status is not in the interests of the membership, as it is able to resist pretty much any scrutiny it chooses to, bar the annual business returns to Companies House.

It should be noted that there was no indication as to whether OFCOM had, or had not, sought consent from RSGB to disclose the information sought. A request for clarification on this to OFCOM has gone in, and has yet to attract a response. It initially appears reasonable to assume that OFCOM simply sought to prevent disclosure as a matter of internal culture, and didn't seek consent from RSGB.

There is more to come on short-form callsigns. I'll leave that for a post later in the week.

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