For a long time, I've been wondering whether JTDX has fallen behind WSJT-X in its sensitivity to WSPR signals.
For some reason, I never simply saved a set of receive runs and worked out the numbers.
So, this morning, that's exactly what I set out to do.
Reception was carried out at 14MHz using a Yaesu FT-450, in a stable operating temperature, having run continuously over the past 36 hours. Recordings of the time slots were made, and then played back for decoding 'offline' by each software.
Number of 2-minute time slots: 21 (42 minutes total data gathering)
Time of recordings, including gaps between switchovers/other activities: 07:18UT - 08:20UT.
Recordings made using JTDX v2.0.2-rc139 (Release Candidate) as the receiving software:
JTDX decodes: 97
WSJT-X decodes: 105
Recordings made using WSJT-X General Release 2.1.0 as the receiving software:
JTDX decodes: 104
WSJT-X decodes: 117
Combined spots for all runs:
JTDX total spots: 201
WSJT-X total spots: 222
Only in one time slot (07:38UT) out of 21 did JTDX decode (one spot) more than WSJT-X.
A check was made that 'live' decodes were no different to decodes from saved recordings. There were no such differences.
So, the firm conclusion is that WSJT-X is 10.4% better than JTDX, at least in their current forms, accepting that both softwares are in continuous development, and that the JTDX version used is a RC, not a General Release version. Importantly, JTDX developers have tended to focus on FT8-based HF DXing aspects of their software over the past months, whereas WSJT-X WSPR performance has been improved - clearly rather successfully.
It's likely that, at different times of the day, notably into the later evening at present, when most signals are weak at 14MHz, WSJT-X will prove to outperform JTDX by a wider, possibly much wider margin. More on that as data is gathered...
Interesting John, I always wanted to do this test as well. Just like you wrote JTDX developers aim at FT8. They even do not implement FT4 since it is not populair enough. JTDX also does not feature MSK144 and other modes. I would almost say they should remove WSPR, but then we can't compare anymore....73, Bas