Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Let's play Domino!

It's Russia Day tomorrow (12/6).  I was therefore quite amused, in a pleasant sort of way, to see the Russia DC Club has arranged the Domino Contest - where real Dominoes meet the digital mode!

I do like the humour of the Russians.  Never taking themselves too seriously, and providing more than just a dumb contest.  I firmly plan to fire up FLDIGI and go to Domino mode for the first time in a long while!

1 comment:

  1. Domino....well well. Is it featured in DM780 ? Have to look into that. never made any QSO with Domino. 73, Bas

    Link for this event: http://www.rdrclub.ru/dni-aktivnosti-rtsrk/375-12-june-russian-domino

    Might be interesting to place the link in your post.


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