Thursday, 13 June 2019

KB7AA - lonely spot

Always good to add further evidence of outstanding performance, thanks not to me, but the antenna environment.

This isn't, as some occasionally think, to show off.  It's because I've had so many (mainly US-based) operators dismiss antenna environment as not very important that I really got fed-up with their ignorance and reliance only on big antennas, big power.

So, for the last time (maybe!), here's yet another EU-unique RX spot (of KB7AA, time period ~19:15-07:15UT, 2019 June 13) from my simple wire, vertical delta loop with base at 'just' 2m.

Incidentally, the VE7 spot in Africa is curious, because VE7EXH (a new member of WSPRnet in the last six weeks, who also has an incomplete entry on reports himself as being, as expected in CN89lg grid, which is exactly what the spots on WSPRnet's database also show.  So it seems some strange map error is placing him in South Africa, at grid KG-something.

Thank you very much!

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