Tuesday, 25 June 2019

12m - on fire!

DX got going quite early on 12m yesterday, as I completed a QSO with VE3BW at 11:05UT.

The afternoon continued with a modest number of US stations coming through, but nothing much to write home about.

Much later, just before and then after sunset, 12m sprang into the kind of action more typical of sunspot maximum, as strong reports came back from the American mid-west.

Here's the PSKreporter plot at around 21:25UT.  Notice the incredibly strong reports from Oklahoma (+7dB) and Cincinnati (+12dB).  I was transmitting a maximum 40W from my 3-ele LFA:

Some moments later, the Cincinnati report increased by a factor of eight:

Pretty remarkable and unexpected stuff!

UPDATE: at teatime the following day (25/6/19), I heard a West Coast station who, rather sadly, couldn't hear me, though at around 16UT, it was a bit early for that degree of DX on 12m.  Maybe later?

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