Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Band Police

This afternoon, some steady signal strength CW appeared within the 2500Hz normal operating width for FT8 on the 12m band.

Initially, I was surprised but not irritated by the CW - there's plenty of room for everyone.

Then I noticed the CW was repeating at regular intervals.  Below is the message being sent, which has a peak strength from somewhere on a bearing of about 120-130 degrees from north Wales. It seems someone has a bee in their bonnet, in that this is a 'warning' that the message frequency is the lower border for digimode operation.

Whilst the irritated operator may have some degree of argument that narrow band modes in IARU Region 1 are usually meant to run from 24.915 upwards, he has absolutely no leg to stand on.  In fact, he shoots himself in the foot.

Firstly, his CW transmission is at 24.915.467 - within the section where all narrow band modes are permitted.  The operator, as well as being an irritating fool, seems unable to understand what frequency his transmission is going out on!

Secondly, his own transmissions, which contain no identifying information as to the sender or his location, are entirely unlawful, no matter what band, mode, frequency or licencing authority!

Interestingly, I worked a EB4 station on CW yesterday on 12m - the first time I've heard CW on this band for some time.  Given the bearing, and that this operator has no QRZ.com presence, I'm beginning to wonder if it was that station who is the irritant...

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