Monday, 15 April 2019

The higher HF bands: they're ALIVE! ALIVE!

A higher HF band operator is taken by surprise...

Well, it remains very cold outside, but this weekend's HF bands, up to at least 50MHz, were alive and kicking in a moderately-strong sporadic E event.

Here's how 12m looked in terms of where my 15W FT8 was being heard (3-ele LFA Yagi):

24MHz reception reports, FT8.

The fun continued on 10m (vertical delta loop on 1st harmonic):

And a 2 element quad saw some 6m activity, too:

1 comment:

  1. Yesss, the ES season it starting. Tnx for the post. I really need to mount the 5 element 6m beam into the tower. Good DX! 73, Bas


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