Thursday, 25 April 2019

Summer propagation gets going in earnest.

Yesterday was a great day for the upper HF bands!

Sporadic E, quite possibly brought about by energetic thunderstorms over central/northern France - and quite a few strikes over the central UK - gave life to 12, 10 and 6m.  Propagation continued strongly on all these bands well after sunset in the UK.

Even better, the solar cycle seems to be showing definite signs of an upwards swing from the minimum.  At worst, the cycle minimum can have no longer than a couple of months left now.

Here's the past 24 hours on-and-off activity on 6m with my 2-ele quad.  Though most signals were fairly weak, notice the typical 'enchanted tube' effect with the northern Italian station, at +7dB when most others were in firm negative territory:

1 comment:

  1. Hello John, just when I'm ready for ES there is propagation! Very nice propagation yesterday and from what I see on the cluster it might continue today. If only I was at home....Enjoy the ES season! 73, Bas


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