Friday, 19 April 2019

An hour at the shack.

Well, having spent the morning doing some very tiring work on the house, I decided some relaxing transmissions from the countryside shack were in order this afternoon.

As the higher bands were not very active, I settled on my elevated 1/4 wave vertical for 14MHz, and tried to find a clear slot on the exceptionally busy Good Friday waterfall.

Reception reports of my 25W from the 1/4 wave vertical today.

I was especially pleased to be called up by HL3EHK, with whom I successfully completed a QSO at 25W.  It just goes to show yet again that simple wire antennas used in the right places really work.  No need for a £4000 rig, and no need for a tower and beam.  Ham radio has moved on, mostly for the better.

Surprise call!  Screenshot from my Raspberry Pi's display.

1 comment:

  1. Well done John, propagation seems to be very good. And your location helps a lot of course. 73, Bas


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