Thursday, 7 March 2019

A Wow! signal arrives.

I casually glanced at my laptop screen early this evening, to find this absolutely unbelievable 14MHz WSPR signal from my friend, AJ8S (running 2W remote from Maine as AJ8S/1):

I contacted Jim to see if he'd turned up the power, or used a Yagi.  He replied that he was just using an extended double Zepp wire, with one of its lobes directed to Europe.

To put a +16dB signal into context, I can expect a signal of about that level from ground wave if I run a quarter wave vertical on 200mW, but only 9.5km away from my receiving vertical delta loop!

The plot below shows AJ8S/1 either side of the 'wow!' event:
AJ8S/1 shows an unbelievable, transient signal strength spike.

Here's how Jim was heard in general at the time.  On this side of the Atlantic, the next strongest reception report was 10dB weaker than mine:

1 comment:

  1. Incredible isn't it. One of those occasional occurances. I received AH2C from Hawaii on +2dB peak this morning on 60m, other spots were at a range from -12 till -22dB. 73, Bas


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