Monday, 25 February 2019

Strange spots from 2E0XLG

Very unusual step changes in the 14MHZ WSPR signal (0.2W) from 2E0XLG, who is only 150km or so from me.

The geomagnetic field was dead, with only a very minor disturbance from about 02UT onwards.  The atmospheric pressure is very high at present (1035hPa), and one is tempted to wonder whether tropospheric conditions might play a part.  One might expect this to be unlikely, but there is in fact published, peer-reviewed research on this, the full text of which I am hunting down.

Plots of my WSPR reception (only) are now generally without complete labels, as I simply don't have the time to make everything perfect on a daily basis. 
Compare the above plot with that of the same station on the following day (25-26/02/2019, to a longer time scale):

1 comment:

  1. Hello John, I happen to be at home today. I was able to receive 4S7AB this morning on 12m FT8 with -10dB. Unfortunately he didn't receive my signal. I think if I had a 12m antenna especially for 12m like you have the contact had not be a problem at all. It would be intersting to read the article about tropospheric conditions. A and K indexes were very low today. 73, Bas


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