Friday, 22 February 2019

Overnight WSPR Report, 2019 February 21-22

Things hotted up a little bit overnight, with the geomagnetic field showing a significant, sudden southerly swing in the Z component, and the Kp reaching 6 for a while:

This led to a very nice recovery of the 14MHz, 0.2W WSPR signal from 4Z1DZ for a couple of hours as the field reached its later stages of recovering to quieter conditions.  Even more interesting is the increase in the signal before the onset of the disturbance:

4Z1DZ 14MHz WSPR received by MW1CFN 21-22/02/2019
In other news, a nice warm southerly breeze has developed over Wales, the source being in north Africa.  This morning's dust-laden air led to a beautiful orange, Saharan sunrise.  Yesterday saw Scotland's highest ever February temperature of 18.3 degrees Celsius!

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