Wednesday, 20 February 2019

JA Pile up!

30m has been proving very productive for long path DX recently.  This morning was no exception, as I called 'CQ'with my usual 15W from a half sloper wire - and received a mass of responses from Japan.

Although the grey line is now aligned such that, at least geometrically, the path could be coming in via long and/or short path, experience (and the period over which the propagation was strong) indicates it is more likely the path is the long way round.

Not bad for an hour's work!

The HF bands in general are in pretty good shape at the moment, despite the low solar activity indices.  By 08:30UT in Wales, 15m was already opening up nicely, and several stations were worked during the morning on 12m yesterday.

Unfortunately, the news relating to Japan and the UK this week hasn't been quite so good, with Honda deciding to shut a factory here, leaving 3,500 people wondering how next to put food on their families' tables.  Having experienced that kind of thing twice in my working life, I have every sympathy with the Honda workers.

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