Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Overnight WSPR report, 2019 January 29-30

Very quiet geomagnetic conditions, with a Kp of zero.  As a result, there were no anomalous spots from DX distances (and only one or two spots from the near-continent).

Image: Tromso Geophysical Laboratory.

2E0WVY, who seems to be running a two-mobile whip dipole in the attic from his Liverpool QTH, provided something interesting to examine once more:

The 2E signal appears from the noise at 20:58UT, and then trends very slowly upwards until a very stable signal is received after about 01:10UT.  There is a small reduction in signal between 23:40UT and a minute or two after UT midnight.

The appearance, variation and slow increase through the early morning seems to correlate well (but again, may not necessarily be caused by), with the variation in the vertical field component, more particularly, the field variations as recorded at Bjørnøya (Bear Island), half way between the northernmost tip of the Norwegian mainland and Spitsbergen.

This contrasts with the 2E signal as received the previous evening:

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