Monday, 21 January 2019

Overnight WSPR report, 2019 January 20-21

Extremely quiet geomagnetic conditions overnight (Kp ~1), with nothing other than the passing auroral oval causing deviations at Arctic latitudes:

Image: Tromso Geophysical Laboratory.
This led to the quite unusual condition where 14MHz propagation ceased completely from mid evening until quite late in the pre-sunset period:

It's interesting to consider that G0CCL, which I postulated yesterday must be geomagnetically-induced very short skip propagation, was also entirely absent overnight.  It was also the case that G0CCL's transmissions ceased being heard during much the same period as I ceased hearing anyone:

Even more interesting is the case of 2E0XLG, now using an OCFD running N/S.  Being at very short distance (158km) from me, I assumed, because of the very fact of the expected ground wave, and through the very constant signal received the previous day, that the geomagnetic field would not have very much effect on this signal.  It's important to note that I later learned Chris had changed his antenna from a mobile whip arrangement to the OCFD, so this may complicate matters.

In fact, 2E0XLG's signal entirely vanished to the rest of the world in the same fashion as other stations last night:

So it seems that, even at this very close range, propagation at 14Mhz during midwinter, solar minimum night is reliant on some degree of geomagnetic influence. 

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