Wednesday, 26 December 2018

W1NEJ Anomaly - 25/26/2018

Another interesting anomalous WSPR spot came through on 14MHz overnight, this time from Eric, W1NEJ in Boca Raton, Florida.  Receiver in use was the SDRPlay RSP1a.

Eric was running what is, for WSPR, a high output of 10W (40dBm), apparently into a straightforward dipole hung between palm trees.  Eric's site is very near the Atlantic coast, so is obviously a good place for radio.

This is the series of spots from Eric.  Notice the strong, -6dB and -9dB signals at 01:40 and 01:50UT, respectively, and the rapid weakening of the signal to undetectability over the next 40-odd minutes.  Notice also how W1NEJ is the only signal heard here in the 6-hour period between 23:12UT and 05:08UT:

This is how the spots look, plotted against time (blue vertical lines are midday and midnight UT)

Locally in Wales, the Norwegian line magnetometer plots again show the field was returning to quieter conditions between 01 and 02UT, after a fairly minor disturbance at high latitudes (essentially, the daily 'ripple' of the night-time auroral oval's passage):

Looking at the graphic of the planet at 01:40UT, it's again evident that the propagation path was likely to involve ionised patches in the F2 region to cover the 3663 nautical mile distance at this time of day.  Multiple hops off geomagnetically-induced E patches are also possible,but perhaps less likely.  Another option is some non-great circle path, assisted by the geomagnetic field. 

Terminator at 01:40UT, 25/12/2018.  Image: DX Atlas, with permission.

Also interesting to note that, after 01:28UT, I was the only station outside the US hearing W1NEJ.  I have seen this with other stations, as previously noted.


  1. I think it is also the geopgraphic location and your excellent QTH that works out very well. I've been monitoring 20m as well and I only received W1NEJ at 22/23 and 24-12. Didn't copy him today at all and propagation at night here is only inside europe as far as I can see. There is only 1 station I can hear almost day/night which is F1AGR. He's the only one that I can hear at night. I'm curently trying the difference between receiving with my old laptop and FT817 and my new desktop and my IC-706 including using a small CW filter. Of course it does take days to compare. I've also compared JTDX with WSJT-X like you did. And indeed the results were almost the same. Still want to make a recording and let both programs decode the same file. Or use JTDX and WSJT-X at the same time and use different calls to see the diffrence. Not shure what to do. 73, Bas

    1. Hi Bas. I think your idea of a recording and letting each software do its decoding on it is excellent. I should have thought of this idea, but had not. I will try this in coming days.


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