Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Overnight WSPR report, 11-12/12/2018

Some moderate disturbances in the field locally early last evening, followed by a much weaker disturbance after midnight.  The disturbance saw a northerly swing in the Z component, which doesn't generally produce DX spots, which indeed was the case overnight.

Image: Tromso Geophysical Laboratory.
Mid-evening aurora forecast extending into northern UK skies.  Image: NOAA.

There was plenty of shorter-skip activity at 14MHz WSPR until around 23:30UT, and from then on, a couple of distant G stations, all courtesy of the enhanced auroral activity that took the southern limits of auroral visibility as far as Ireland and Wales. Sadly, it was completely cloudy here, so I couldn't groundtruth the forecast.

At 01:16UT, I heard OH5XO once, at -28dB SNR/2500Hz, and an SM station around 45 minutes later, followed by a series of spots of LA6GH between 03:22UT and 03:58UT, all around -26dB SNR/2500Hz.  The LA spots were probably related to the restoration of the field to quieter conditions.

And that was it until advancing-dawn propagation at 06:22UT, when I heard a couple of G stations, followed very shortly thereafter by HZ1SK, presumably all coming in on very low angle paths.

1 comment:

  1. I was on 60m at the time of the disturbance. Propagation was very bad. Only a few DX spots that I couldn't work and I was only spotted once in the USA. However, a station from Paraguay was -2 to 0 dB, but only called CQ it seems he didn't see Europe at all with plenty calling him! 73, Bas


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