Monday, 10 December 2018

Overnight WSPR report, 09-10/12/2018

Very little to report, other than LU3DJ was still doing very well, last heard here at 22:30UT (-23dB SNR/2500Hz).

The only two sudden appearances were from ON7KO at 22:30UT and 01:24UT.  G0CCL also appeared from nowhere at 01:24UT.  Nothing was then heard until the pre-dawn period.

The mid-Europe field looked like this:

Image: Tromso Geophysical Laboratory.
The modelled aurora, zoomed in on Europe, at 22:30UT was:

 Image: NOAA.

With the auroral oval extending to the northern UK, I suppose it's no surprise that a couple of short skip signals came in, though one might have expected a few more.

The timing of the first ON7 spot coincides nicely with the peak of a sharp Z dip to the south, which leads me to think that precipitating electrons drifting across the pole from the day side were responsible.  The second, 01:24UT spot was probably a small patch of auroral E.

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