Wednesday, 14 November 2018

60m - Wow!

It's been a bit quiet here at Copper Mountain HQ of late.  Normal operations have been largely suspended in favour of long-term beaconing on WSPR, using the figure-of-eight loop.

But, as the commercial FM radio blurted out the latest shouting about Brexit from the circus that is the UK Parliament, I turned over to 60m FT8.
Busy on 60m this evening!

I was amazed to get an immediate reply to my 'CQ' from BH4IGO.  Wow!  China on 60m.  That's a first for me.

60m is really coming alive now, as more and more countries approve allocations for their amateur population, and the weaker higher bands propagation encourages its use.

Certainly, it's worth trying a few calls around sunrise and sunset, so why not give it a go? 

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